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Five Foods To Eat Every Day

Until you go vegan, it’s hard to imagine what an amazing abundance of foods there are that fit into this lifestyle. You could go weeks (or months!) without repeating a dish once you get your creative juices flowing! With that said, there are five things I make sure to eat every day.

1. Lemon and Lime

I love lemons and limes! They can add a dash of flavor to anything, and even work as a salt substitute in many dishes. They’re alkalizing, meaning they help to balance out the acids in our body. They’re also great for the digestive system, detoxifying, and weight loss, and they’re full of vitamin C!

2. Fruit

Fruit is the perfect meal! It’s fast, sweet, delicious, high in water and fiber, and the perfect carbohydrate. Don’t worry about its sugar content, because the sugar in fruit is completely different than processed table sugar. Fresh fruits are best, but frozen fruits are great for you too!

3. Greens

Sometimes I eat a ton of greens, and sometimes less, but I eat some every day no matter what. They’re great in salads and smoothies alike! They’re the foods with the highest mineral count and are also high in omega 3 fatty acids. Go for whatever greens are in season for the best flavor and nutrients!

4. Healthy Fats

Healthy fats include avocados, nuts, and seeds. Personally, avocados, almonds, and cashews are my favorites! We’ve all heard that fats are bad for you, but the truth is that healthy fats (like the ones you’ll find in these foods) are incredibly important for your body. Getting your fats from whole foods, instead of processed foods like oils, is a great way to help your brain function.

5. Starch

My go-to starches are potatoes and sweet potatoes, but some other great options are brown rice, beans, and quinoa. When you prepare them, be sure to process them as little as possible and avoid adding oils or too much salt. These starches are high in fiber, low in fat, and easy to digest.

Tons of my recipes use one or more of these five top foods! If you want to see my recipes to get inspiration for your meals, check out my website. Now that you have my list of the five foods I eat daily, it’s your turn! What about you — what are the top five foods that you eat every day? Do they fall into these categories, or are they completely different?

Love you! ❤️

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