7 Infused Waters To Lose Weight
Drinking water keeps us hydrated, healthy, and energized, and can help a ton with weight loss. So what do you do if you want to lose weight but hate drinking water? Infuse your water with delicious fruits and veggies! Here are a week’s worth of infused waters to help you lose weight.
Serves 1
You’ll need:
A bottle or jar full of water
Some cut-up fruits and veggiesThat’s it! Put the fruits or veggies into the water and let it rest for a few hours. You can even let the flavors infuse in the fridge overnight so you have a delicious drink when you wake up. Feel free to create your own infused waters based on your taste! Below are seven of my favorites that taste amazing and will help you lose weight.
#1: Strawberry and Basil
Strawberries are high in vitamin C, and basil is full of anti-inflammatory properties. To create this infusion, thinly slice a carton of strawberries and pick a handful large basil leaves. Put them all in a jar, cover with water, and let soak!
#2. Grapefruit and Thyme
Cut two grapefruits into thin slices, cutting across the grain. Put them in a jar of water along with a few sprigs of fresh thyme. This drink is bright, vibrant, and absolutely delicious.
#3. Ginger and Lemon
Ginger is super helpful for lots of digestive issues, including nausea, indigestion, and diarrhea. Lemon is super alkalizing, which makes it the perfect thing to drink first thing in the morning. Cut about fifteen very thin slices of ginger, and thinly slice five Meyer lemons across the grain. Put it all in a jar of water, stick it in the fridge, and drink first thing tomorrow morning!
#4. Cucumber and Lime
This is one of my favorites! Cucumber will help you hydrate even more and speed up your metabolism. Thinly slice about two cucumbers and put the slices in your jar. Add three limes, sliced very thinly. Cover with water, infuse, and enjoy.
#5. Watermelon and Mint
I said the last one was one of my favorites, but this infusion is my absolute all-time favorite! Watermelon is high in vitamin A, so it’s great for your vision. Mint helps reduce anxiety and transform fat into energy. Cut the flesh of a watermelon out of the rind, slice the flesh into pieces small enough to fit into your jar, and add a handful of fresh mint leaves. This is SO GOOD.
#6. Pineapple and Orange2
Pineapple has anti-inflammatory properties and helps eliminate excess water, while orange levels out the sugar in your blood. To make this infusion, cut a pineapple into thin wedges. Thinly slice two oranges, then cut the slices into quarters. Cover with water and allow to infuse.
#7. Green Apple and Cinnamon
This infusion tastes like dessert! Even better, cinnamon is the number-one spice for detoxification properties. Cut two green apples into very thin slices small enough to fit into your jar. Add a couple cinnamon sticks along with enough water to cover everything.
Remember to substitute these drinks for the high-sugar, high-calorie drinks you might normally go for. The more consistent you are in drinking these instead, the more weight you’ll lose and the better you’ll feel! Also remember to let me know which of these infusions is your favorite, and feel free to post your own delicious combinations that you’ve created!