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3 Powerful Keys of Sweet Potatoes

You guys, sweet potatoes are amazing. If you came here from my video featuring several delicious sweet potato recipes, you already know that sweet potatoes have three powerful benefits. Read on to learn what they are! (And if you haven’t seen the video, go watch it!)

Sweet Potatoes Can Help You Lose Weight

Did you know that a single medium-sized sweet potato is packed with 3.8 grams of fiber? Fiber is super important for your digestion and helps the elimination process. High-fiber foods also fill you up better than low-fiber foods. This means you’re less likely to overeat.

The sweetness of sweet potatoes can feel like an indulgence, which helps to curb cravings for other foods! Your body can also digest sweet potatoes easily. In fact, they even improve your digestion. All of this adds up to make them a fantastic food for weight loss.

Nutrients Abound In Sweet Potatoes

In addition to fiber, sweet potatoes are full of beta carotene, vitamins, and minerals! Beta carotene is a natural antioxidant that your body converts into vitamin A. In turn, vitamin A helps to get rid of harmful free radicals! Just 100 grams of sweet potato is enough to get your recommended daily amount of vitamin A.

Sweet potatoes also have lots of vitamin C, an antioxidant that may decrease the duration of colds and helps improve skin health. They contain potassium, which is important for blood pressure control and may decrease the risk of heart disease. Sweet potatoes are a source of vitamin B6, which plays an important role in the conversion of food into energy. Purple sweet potatoes even contain anthocyanins, which enhance your vision and promote eye health.

Note: raw sweet potatoes contain more beta carotene, but baked or boiled sweet potatoes are higher in vitamin C.

Sweet Potatoes Can Fight Inflammation And Even Cancer

Eating sweet potatoes can reduce your body’s oxidation process, which in turn reduces the risk of cancer. The peels of purple sweet potatoes, in particular, can help with this. Be sure to eat the peel instead of just throwing it away!

Sweet potatoes contain natural anti-inflammatory compounds. These reduce inflammation at the cellular level. Research has shown that in animals, eating purple sweet potato extract leads to reduced inflammation in both brain tissue and nerve tissue.

Wow! Are you as impressed as I am?! Sweet potatoes are one of the most multi-talented veggies out there! Keep in mind as you’re planning your meals that there are many kinds of sweet potatoes, in many colors ranging from white to orange to purple. Depending on the kind and color of your sweet potatoes, the nutrient levels can vary.

As always, I’d absolutely love to hear from you! Let me know in the comments section what your favorite recipe using sweet potatoes is. If you need inspiration, go check out my video featuring three delicious sweet potato recipes!

Love you!

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