- 21 day meal prep plan
- Weekly shopping lists
- Gluten free, oil free, nuts free, and soy free
- Affordable and globally accessible ingredients
- Most meals have 5 ingredients or less (excluding seasonings)
- 21 day at-home fitness plan (no gym required)
- Members only workout videos with Rawvana for every workout day included
- Easy to track progress
- Morning & Night routine videos
- Reader friendly design
- Beautiful pictures for every recipe
Required Kitchen & Fitness Tools
- Standard kitchen tools and blender
- Jump rope, booty bands, yoga mat, resistance bands (no gym required)
Technical Details
- The eBook is in PDF format and can be downloaded immediately after purchase.
- The eBook is interactive on mobile devices, tablets, laptops, and desktops with a supported PDF viewer.
- Interactive elements make navigation a breeze on iOS & Android!
- Videos in the eBook require a fast internet connection on your viewing device. To watch these videos, you’ll need to log into the account you create during your purchase.
- SSL-encrypted website to protect your data along with stringent secure payment method through Stripe.