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Work Out That Booty!

Do you guys already know the amazing Gia from Body By Gia?! If not, you need to go check out her website and YouTube channel. She made an amazing fitness program that helps you build your curves at home! She created this four-exercise at-home booty workout routine.

Serves 1

Exercise 1: One-Legged Squats

Stand about a foot and a half in front of a bench (or chair, or couch), with your back to it. Bend your right leg and put your right toe on the bench, so that all your weight is on your left leg.
Bend down to do a lunge on your left leg, keeping your right toe on the bench. Stand back up straight, then repeat. Do this for 30 seconds.

Exercise 2: Floor Touches

Keeping your right toe on the bench, switch into the next exercise. Bend straight forward to touch the ground, then stand back up straight. (As you do this, DON’T lock your knee!)
Do this exercise for 30 seconds.

Exercise 3: One-Legged Hops

Is your right toe still on the bench? It should be! Keeping that toe there and standing on your left leg, bend down slightly, suck your tummy in, and hop up into the air. Don’t forget to breathe as you do this. Inhale as you go down, and exhale as you hop up. Again, do this exercise for 30 seconds.

Now that you’ve done exercises 1-3, go back to the beginning and repeat them all on the other leg. This will get you ready for the fourth and final exercise!

Exercise 4: Side Leg Lifts

Stand next to the bench this time, with your left side next to it. Put your left foot flat on the bench. Your left leg should be bent, with about a 90-degree angle at your hip.
Lift yourself up onto the bench. As you come up, swing your right leg up and straight out to your right, reaching out and touching your right knee or ankle as it comes up.
Do this for 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side.

You’re done!! For less than five minutes of working out, that was incredibly intense, right? Do this a few days a week and you’ll see amazing differences in your butt. You’ll have such gorgeous curves!

Now that you’re done, treat yourself to this high-protein post-workout smoothie. It’s delicious, and also nourishes your body in the way it needs after working out!

Post-Workout High-Protein Smoothie (Serves 2)

1 cup of frozen berries
1 cup of raw oats
2 tbs of almond butter
2 scoops of Vivo Life protein powder
1 cup of raw spinach
3 cups of almond milk

Put all the ingredients in a blender, blend, and enjoy!

Let me know whether you like these posts about workout routines you can do at home! Hearing what you guys love really helps me create valuable content for you. Also, don’t forget to go check out Gia’s amazing resources! And finally, if you’re more of a visual learner or you want to see how these exercises are done, don’t miss my video where Gia and I show the entire workout routine!

Love you guys,


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